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Bourgeois Baby offers custom orders to all customers.  This option makes it super easy to get our high quality, triple layer, designer baby bibs in prints of your choice!  Perhaps you need a certain color scheme, or looking for a particular unique gift for a baby shower.  We would love to work with you on making the perfect baby bib set.How does this work?  Email with your request.  Jamie will then hunt down available fabric options based on your request.  Once you decide on which fabrics you would like to include in your custom order, the bibs are typically...

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When Bourgeois Baby opened 5 years ago, we offered more than just our designer baby bibs.  We made burp cloths, infant clothing, and nursing cover infinity scarves. Thinking that the more variety we offered the more we'd appeal to potential customers. However, we quickly noticed a trend: what started the business is what customers were buying.  That was quite specifically our bibs! Looking at this data trend we decided that Bourgeois Baby was sticking with baby bibs.  It is what started our small business, what sold the best and kept customers coming back.  Focusing on this one product and providing...

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All of our baby bibs have all of the tags noted on the picture here. Anything that has the Bourgeois Baby logo is branding to allow the customer know quickly that the quality bib in their hands is made by us. We attach branding labels in both permanent and what is considered "secure" tags. Most people don't bother looking at the tags on the clothing and other accessories that they buy, but some of those tags are legally mandated in the US.  Both the compliance/regulatory and the branding labels are important, and we will explain them both. There Are Two...

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The first few weeks of winter can be exciting and even a little enjoyable. Between the first few snow falls, the refreshing cooler air, and all the outdoor activities for you and your family, its hard not to enjoy all that New England has to offer. But then, all too soon, the freeze sets in. We’re stuck inside with our little ones because the wind chill is in the negatives and we’ve been watching way too much TV.  What is there to do? We have a few ideas to keep you and the kids from going stir-crazy.  Make a fun...

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If someone you know is looking for games for a baby shower, don’t sweat it! There are so many fun ideas all around you, and Bourgeois Baby wants you to be prepared. Our clients have told us all about their fun baby shower games in the past, and we’re happy to share the fun. 1) Guess the baby picture. Have the guests anonymously place their own baby photos in a basket upon arrival. Once you’re certain you have all baby pictures, pin them to a clothes line or a board with designated numbers and guests will write down their names for...

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